
What’s next!

June 24, 2013

Over the past few months, we’ve worked hard to bring you valuable and important new features and improvements. Today, I wanted to take a moment and update you on the exciting things going on here at Proto.io and the things you can expect from us in the coming months.

Proto.io  4 to 4.2.3

Since the latest major release, Proto.io 4, in April 2013, we’ve have released 15 minor releases with new features, fixes and improvements. Here’s a list of the coolest things we’ve added:

– Search Project & latest used: Components, Screens, Templates & Containers on Ctrl/Cmd+F
– Google Analytics support for projects
– Improved saving speed and support for any size project files
– New login page design and more branding options for a completely branded login page.
– Right-click to disable interactions, so that they will not run in Preview
– Option to propagate touch/mouse events on transparent areas in containers to the components below
– Interactions in items in containers can now target “Current Container”
– And more than 20 minor improvements and bug fixes…


Looking forward

We have been working with great enthusiasm on our next major release, Proto.io 5, which is expected in September 2013. Proto.io 5, will include significant changes that will allow you to prototype (and not only!?!!) amazing high-fidelity interactive experiences for web and mobile. In the meantime we will continue to release minor releases with small features, performance updates and fixes whenever necessary. It’s going to be a long summer for us, but we are so excited it’s like we are on vacation already :)


Tell us your thoughts…

We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback! Please share them at hello@proto.io.

On behalf of the Proto.io team,
Have a great summer!

Alexis Piperides
