
Top 4 Mobile App Designs of Spring 2021

April 1, 2021

We can’t believe that spring is finally here. After a particularly dark winter, we’re becoming hopeful that change is on the horizon. Just as the flowers start blooming, so too do ideas from app designers from around the world. In this installment of the best mobile app designs, we dig into some sleek UIs that you can’t miss. Let’s get started!

1. CountThings by Dynamic Ventures, Inc.

We all know that amazing moment when technology solves real-world problems. CountThings is one such app that allows users to count objects with just a photo. Think about how much time this can save in various sectors: no more error-prone manual counting! The app encourages users to pick a template based on the objects they seek to count and then snap a picture. It then counts all the objects and produces reports that can be uploaded to the cloud. The mobile app design is quite plain, but that is perfect for this utility tool. The UI makes it easy for users to focus on the task at hand and get the data they need quickly. 

A photo of CountThings, Top 5 Mobile App Designs of Spring 2021

Source: CountThings

2. gohenry – Allowance Manager‬ by gohenry Ltd

You can never start teaching kids good habits too early. Gohenry is a financial app that helps parents assign chores and pay allowance. The kids get their own debit card and get to learn about spending and saving (all with the ability for mom or dad to decide where they can spend and set up recurring transfers.) In all, it’s a great financial tool for the whole family: teens get to learn about finances while their parents enjoy an easier allowance process that still helps them ensure their kids are practicing good habits. The mobile app design brings some color and fun to a mundane task. Its white and red color scheme makes it easy to focus on the chores coming up and manage funds. The app is a great tool for tech-savvy parents and their kids. And as an added bonus, you can customize the debit card so that Sarah can have a gosarah card with her favorite sports team’s logo. What’s not to love!

A photo of gohenry, Top 5 Mobile App Designs of Spring 2021

Source: gohenry

3. Level Bank by Level Bank

Staying on the financial front, Level Bank is a digital bank that offers a much nicer interface than most traditional banks. Its crisp white design plus colorful logos and icons make it simple to keep track of spending, earn rewards, and even get cash advances with the tap of butter or swipe of the finger. This smooth mobile app design elevates the banking experience with a touch of simple luxury.

A photo of Level Ban‪k, Top 5 Mobile App Designs of Spring 2021

Source: Level Bank

4. Discord by Discord, Inc.

In a largely virtual world, any chance to talk with friends (new or old) is sacred. News broke recently that Microsoft is in talks to buy Discord in a $10 billion potential deal. And with so many people seeking connections, this might be a great move for the corporation. Across voice, video, and text, users can connect on topics they find interesting and enjoy a light hearted online chat using Discord. The mobile app design is reminiscent of Slack in that it groups channels and participants on a left panel. It also reminds us of Facetime with its video layout. And lastly, it just simply makes text chat easy, like Messenger. The mobile app design seamlessly ties together any type of online chatting that users might be interested in, and it’s clear that they’re just getting started with this acquisition news.

A photo of Discord, Top 5 Mobile App Designs of Spring 2021

Source: Discord Blog

That’s all for spring but be sure to check out last season’s edition, featuring the best mobile app designs of winter 2021

Feeling inspired? Sign up for a free 15-day trial to start building your first prototype today!

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